If you’re the sort of lab that’s engineering a method of printing ceramic materials using rapid prototyping machines, I suppose it’d make sense that you’d already have made some real-life polygonal Utah teapots! I never thought about it before, but for the 3D graphics humor value I really, really want one of these now. You can read about the Utanalog project and see finished photos (and a video explaining the whole thing) over on the Unfold blog.
Tag: 3d
Rapid Prototyping with Ceramics
Pretend to Be Radiohead with This Point Cloud Instructable
Pretend to be Radiohead with this Instructable guide to 3D light scanning using a projector, camera, and a bit of Processing! This is designed to create the visualization seen in the video above, but you could also use the point data for output on a 3D printer, animation package, etc. Neat.
(Via Make)
Touchable Holography
“Touchable Holography”, a hardware demo by researchers from the University of Tokyo at this year’s SIGGRAPH conference. This mostly builds on the work they presented last year involving their “Airborne Ultrasound Tactile Display” (PDF), a device that shoots out directional ultrasound to simulate haptic pressure, like the impact rain has when it hits your skin. I don’t think this current display counts as holography exactly (the image is made with a refracting mirror, just like Sega’s 1991 arcade game Time Traveler!), but being able to reinforce the illusion with the sensation of touch is a cool idea. Hopefully they can expand it to use more than one of their ultrasound boards so they can simulate a feeling that’s more than one-dimensional. Also good to see that researchers are using the inexpensive, off-the-shelf Wiimotes for projects like this.
(Via Make)
Rhonda 3D Drawing / Sketching App
(video no longer available)
Rhonda. It’s a nifty 3D drawing/sketching app that’s been making the rounds for a few years, and now the video of its creator sketching with it has finally been posted on the web. Even better: it’s been ported to openFrameworks and is being actively maintained on a number of platforms.
Monkey Island 2 Special-Uber Edition
Monkey Island 2 Special-Uber Edition – Voodoo mama. I wish the real Monkey Island SE looked half as great as this. I’d sell my fine leather jacket if Monkey Island 2 SE came out this faithful to the original art. Double bonus points for getting a thumbs up from Steve Purcell himself!
Anaglyph YouTube Experiments
Hmm, a Google employee is using some of his 20% time to add 3D viewing options to YouTube. Not in a fully working state at this point, but it’s a cool idea. The more people out there wearing anaglyph glasses the better, if you ask me.
(Photo by: http://www.flickr.com/photos/rustybrick/ / CC BY-NC 2.0)
Pixel City by Shamus Young
Pixel City by Shamus Young. Fun with procedurally-generated OpenGL buildings and some good texturing. Pretty fun little city scape. (via)