Notes about openframeworks

April 12, 2010 permalink

Boards Interactive Magazine Walkthrough

Boards Interactive Magazine – Walkthrough from Theo Watson on Vimeo.

For the March 2010 issue of Boards Magazine, Emily Gobeille and I worked with Nexus Productions to develop an interactive cover experience called Rise and Fall. Here is a little preview of the experience.

You can download the software and the cover from:

Update: Found out you can buy a copy of the magzine for $7 by emailing – . You can also download the cover as a pdf from the link above.

The project uses the Ferns library for tracking ( ) and the whole project is open source released under the GPL v2.0 . Grab the source code here:


Digital Directors:
Emily Gobeille –
Theo Watson –

Produced by:
Nexus Productions –

Sound Design:
MOST Original Soundtracks –

Made with openFrameworks –
Using the Ferns library for tracking –

Boards Interactive Magazine – Walkthrough. Gorgeous interactive promo piece: you hold up a copy of the magazine (or a reasonable facsimile…) in front of your webcam, and the app responds to and tracks its orientation, letting you navigate through an playful graphic design landscape. I saw a small live demo at SXSWi, and the audience was definitely delighted. Built with openFrameworks and the Ferns object detection library, the app is entirely open sourced, too!

December 22, 2009 permalink

Magician Marco Tempest Demonstrates a Portable AR Screen

Magician Marco Tempest demonstrates a portable “magic” augmented reality screen. The system uses a laptop, small projector, a PlayStation Eye camera (presumably with the IR filter popped out?), some IR markers to make the canvas frame corner detection possible, Arduino (?), and openFrameworks-based software developed by Zachary Lieberman. I really love this kind of demo – people on the street (especially kids) intuitively understand what’s going on. This work reminds me a lot of Zack Simpson’s Mine-Control projects, especially with the use of cheap commodity hardware for creating a fun spectacle.

(Via Make)
