There’s something satisfying about hitting ZZ and returning to a webpage. This might be a good way to ensure that 100% of your blog comments come from *nix or code geeks…
(Via O’Reilly Radar)
There’s something satisfying about hitting ZZ and returning to a webpage. This might be a good way to ensure that 100% of your blog comments come from *nix or code geeks…
(Via O’Reilly Radar)
Near real-time face detection on the iPhone using OpenCV. An obvious point to make, I know, but I still think it’s amazing that this would have been very difficult to do on any home computer just a few years ago but now our mobile devices can handle the task with relative ease.
(Via O’Reilly Radar)
Big news for high school hacker nerds everywhere who want to give their graphing calculator’s Z80 processor a better workout than just crunching algebra problems. Also a very good reminder that yesterday’s strong encryption now takes only a small bit of time to crack (in this case, one user with a dual-core Athlon about 75 days to break RSA-512). No, you can’t hide secrets from the future.
Back when I was a young’un, we didn’t have to get around signing keys to run Z80 assembly, just needed to build a serial port interface and a copy of ZShell…
(Also via Make)
(video no longer available)
Blit, an early Unix-based multitasking windowing system demo from Bell Labs, a precursor to the X Window System. X11 didn’t look much different ten years later, and true multitasking and multi-user systems have only recently filtered into the Mac and Microsoft Windows worlds. Not bad for 1982.
(Via 5cience)
Videos from the recent ART && CODE Symposium, featuring presentations by the folks behind Scratch, Processing, Max/MSP/Jitter, and other fun + education-leaning graphics tools.