Tag: future

  • Waterproof AlInGaP optoelectronics on stretchable substrates with applications in biomedicine and robotics

    Translation: sheets of entirely flexible, waterproof, implantable LEDs. Yes, yes, medical and biotech applications, but imagine how interesting the tattoos at raves will be in a few years!

    From Scientific American’s writeup:

    As a demonstration of the technology the researchers put LED arrays through any number of experimental implementations. They deposited LEDs on aluminum foil, the leaf of a tree, and a sheet of paper; they wrapped arrays around nylon thread and tied it in a knot; and they distended LED arrays by inflating the polymer substrate or stretching it over the tip of a pencil or the head of a cotton swab. “Eventually the students just got tired” of devising new tests for the light-emitting sheets, Rogers says. “There was nothing that we tried that we couldn’t do.”

  • Laser Cave Prototype

    Interactive Audio Visual installation for
    Mekanism’s “After School Special” art show
    location: gray area foundation for the arts http://www.gaffta.org/

    concept/construction : suryummy
    visuals : suryummy
    audio : suryummy, herbie hancock, various manipulated retro logos
    software : VDMX

    This is like a model of the world I wanted to live in when I was a kid, somewhere between Tron’s MCP mainframe world, Cybertron, and Marble Madness.

    (Via Make)