April 12, 2010

Boards Interactive Magazine Walkthrough

Boards Interactive Magazine – Walkthrough from Theo Watson on Vimeo.

For the March 2010 issue of Boards Magazine, Emily Gobeille and I worked with Nexus Productions to develop an interactive cover experience called Rise and Fall. Here is a little preview of the experience.

You can download the software and the cover from: http://boardsmag.com/RiseAndFall

Update: Found out you can buy a copy of the magzine for $7 by emailing – BoardsCustomerCare@boardsmag.com . You can also download the cover as a pdf from the link above.

The project uses the Ferns library for tracking ( http://cvlab.epfl.ch/software/ferns/index.php ) and the whole project is open source released under the GPL v2.0 . Grab the source code here: http://boardsmag.com/RiseAndFall


Digital Directors:
Emily Gobeille – http://zanyparade.com
Theo Watson – http://theowatson.com

Produced by:
Nexus Productions – http://www.nexusproductions.com

Sound Design:
MOST Original Soundtracks – http://www.m-ost.nl

Made with openFrameworks – http://openframeworks.cc
Using the Ferns library for tracking – http://cvlab.epfl.ch/software/ferns/index.php

Boards Interactive Magazine – Walkthrough. Gorgeous interactive promo piece: you hold up a copy of the magazine (or a reasonable facsimile…) in front of your webcam, and the app responds to and tracks its orientation, letting you navigate through an playful graphic design landscape. I saw a small live demo at SXSWi, and the audience was definitely delighted. Built with openFrameworks and the Ferns object detection library, the app is entirely open sourced, too!